Comic Poems
By:Peter Washington
Published on 2001 by Everyman's Library
This treasury of humorous poems brings together a sparkling constellation of witty poets–from Lord Rochester to Lewis Carroll, from Edward Lear to Ogden Nash, from Dorothy Parker to W. H. Auden–and embraces a wide range of forms, including limericks, clerihews, ballads, sonnets, and nonsense verse. Comic Poemsis studded with unforgettable classics, along with lesser-known comic gems from across the ages, from ancient Rome to modern America. Here is the immortal “How Pleasant to Know Mr. Lear” beside Noël Coward’s “Mad Dogs and Englishmen”; the incomparable “Jabberwocky” next to the famous “There was a young lady of Riga.” From Cole Porter and John Updike on love and marriage to Stevie Smith and Dorothy Parker on mortality to the ever-talented Anonymous on almost anything, the lighthearted poetry collected here ranges from the most delightful nonsense to the most sophisticated wit.
This Book was ranked at 32 by Google Books for keyword Comics.
Book ID of Comic Poems's Books is 8-ilh2eEze8C, Book which was written byPeter Washingtonhave ETAG "rKX/F1hT5gI"
Book which was published by Everyman's Library since 2001 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9780375413544 and ISBN 10 Code is 0375413545
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Book which have "249 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryPoetry
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Colm Tóibíin, all the award-winning source of Your Expertand Brooklyn, revolves an individual's focus for that challenging romantic relationships relating to dads along with sons—actually a trepidation concerned with the fictional the big boys Oscar Wilde, Louis Joyce, W.B. Yeats, not to mention their very own fathers. Wilde loathed his daddy, nevertheless referred to that they were very much alike. Joyce's gregarious biological father driven this daughter with Eire as a result of her volatile temper and additionally drinking. Whilst Yeats's dad or mom, any artist, is apparently an enjoyable conversationalist whoever chattering was initially additional finished as opposed to the pictures she produced. A lot of these recognized blokes and also the daddies just who served to pattern these people take place in around Tóibín's retelling, same as Dublin's splendid inhabitants.
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